
'Once Vaccines are available in Global Market, we too, will have access to it'

What additional measures authorities should take to combat Covid-19 infections at this stage?

Not only concerned authorities, government and people also have their own responsibilities. First of all, I must tell about the people. People must obey the health rules to prevent Covid-19. Many infected people are not obeying the COVID-19 guidelines like maintaining physical distance, wearing mask, washing hands etc.

 Many people are frequently going out of home without any reason. In fact, during the lockdown, most of them did not follow the lockdown rules. When the people are not obeying the orders, authority must enforce them so that they comply the health rules. Authority must be strict enough to enforce the rules with the help of security force such as police, RAB, BGB, even if needed with the army to make the people obey rules.

 As it is not certain as to when this pandemic will end, what preventive drugs and vaccines we can expect in the next couple of months?

It is very difficult to say when the corona outbreak will come to an end. Some people are of the view that the peak period has gone in June & probably in the month of July it may come down. But, general people are not complying the health rules, they are not careful. Most of them are not aware, even reluctant about the disease also. So far, there is no preventive drug available. Only preventive measures should be taken. Vaccine is still is not available but there are 125 organizations who are racing to find the new vaccine. Still, we don’t know when it will come. Before any vaccine is available, people must obey the health rules and take the preventive measures. People must wear mask. If they go outside, they must return home as quickly as possible.

 What preparations you suggest to manage the recurrence of coronavirus in future?

It will be easier for everybody when we get a vaccine against Covid-19. Till then, people must comply with the preventive measures. Drugs which are available in the market or throughout the world are not specific against corona. Treatments are symptomatic only.  Now, we are using the drugs which are basically meant for treating other diseases, those are also showing some effectiveness against corona. In severe case, we use high flow nasal cannula oxygen, sometime ventilator.

 As an eminent physician of the country, what medical treatment protocol you suggest for both mild/moderate & critical Covid-19 patients?

We find that, 80% of Covid-19 cases are mild to moderate. Treatment is possible at staying home. So, we suggest symptomatic treatment such as for fever - Paracetamol, for cough and running nose, Anti-histamine. Patients can also take Vit-C, Vit-D and Zinc tablet that probably increase the immunity. Patients are also advised to take warm water & vapor at regular intervals to get symptomatic relief.

 Sometimes, we use Ivermectin and Favipiravir. For ICU patients, we use Remdesivir (Injectable form). It should not be given outside the hospital. Some people use plasma therapy, it is also a part of the treatment. If the patient has respiratory distress or chest pain, we use high flow nasal cannula oxygen. In some cases, this disease can cause blood clot. To prevent that, subcutaneous heparin is used.

 As you are aware, globally Covid-19 vaccines may be available by year end or so. Do you think our common people will have access to these vaccines?

We are hopeful. Once the vaccine will available in the global market, it will be also available in our country too. China is claiming that they are very near to the vaccine. Once they get that vaccine, we hope they will supply it to our country as soon as possible. According to Oxford, their vaccine will be cheaper which general people can easily afford. They claim that it will be as cheaper as a cup of coffee. So, we are hopeful that common people will be able to get it.

 What advice you have for our people for the post pandemic era in the changed circumstances?

Covid-19 is a global pandemic. People must lead a very disciplined life. We don’t know when the pandemic will come to an end. Probably, corona virus will remain in the environment like other viruses for e.g. Hepa-B, Influenza until the vaccine is available. We have to adjust our food habit, life-style, our education, our culture & our economy to get used to the new scenario in post pandemic era.

 Our pharma companies have done a great job by ensuring adequate supply & also bringing new drugs in the market for Covid-19 treatment. Your comments please.

It is really a good achievement. Before four-five months, there were no drugs in our country like Favipiravir or Remdesivir. Now, drugs like Ivermectin, Favipiravir, Remdesivir, Dexamethasone are available in our country produced by our local companies, which however, must not be used without doctors concern. Remdesivir and Favipiravir are still not available in many countries of the world. Not only that, these are much cheaper in Bangladesh than in any other countries of the world. Our Pharmaceutical companies swiftly made it available in a short period of time and also at a affordable price.

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Wednesday 26 Mar 2025

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