
Quality Management – A Way Forward

‘Success is The Sum of Small Efforts Repeated Day-in and Day-Out’

Dr. Raman Mohan Singh1 & Smt. Sujata S. Kaisare2

For a laboratory to achieve its quality goals true level of sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skillful execution should be put in their work each day. Doing the right thing comes from an organization that instills quality into the fabric of work culture. The organization which is committed to its target creates a culture where people understand and respect the significance of following quality norms. As Henry Ford has correctly said “Don’t find fault, find remedy”, it is necessary to find the solution to the issues prevailing than focus on the source of the issues. The idea of quality as perceived by the industry is of the QA manager and QA department or some specified personnel directly or officially concerned with the management. But Quality can be managed if any only if all members feel equally responsible to achieve the quality goals.

Laboratory is subject to various national and local requirements and it is very complicated to track compliance with all the listed specifications. Hence, the need of a road map is essential for quality that ensures that each laboratory contributes its best in continually meeting all the norms. An ideal model of a laboratory is one which meets the important relation between quality activities designed and supported by the technical activities to produce ‘Good Laboratory Practiced”.

Quality Management ensures that an organization or services rendered are consistent. It has four main components: Quality planning, Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Quality Improvement. Quality Management utilizes quality assurance and control of processes to achieve more consistent and reliable quality results.

Customer satisfaction is the backbone of quality management. Knowledge management is an important tool which enables a laboratory/organization in promoting and achieving quality standards. Sustained success is attained when an organization attracts and retains the confidence of customers understanding present and future needs of the industry and contributes to sustained success of the organization. ‘Success’ is possible only if the management has on going focus on improvement. Many aspects which attribute in enhancing the organizations results are:


  • Continuous Improvement
  • Relationship Management
  • Rational Leadership
  • Customer Focus
  • Factual approach to decision
  • System approach to management

The term ‘quality’ has a relative meaning. The ISO defines it as “The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.” When projected on analytically work, quality can be defined as “Delivery of reliable information within an agreed span of time under agreed conditions at agreed cost and aftercare” Laboratory quality means accuracy, reliability and timeliness of test results. All aspects of the laboratory operations must be reliable in order to be useful in a clinical or public health setting. Quality Management is considered as a wider interpretation.

Implementation of quality management system has become a standard practice for industries when their services are associated with significant risk to mankind. Use of a quality management system contributes to deliver better services. It is proved by statistical analysis that accreditation and quality management have improved significantly the organizations performance.

Sound management of quality will enable the laboratories to attain trust globally for the test results generated.

Source: The Pharma Review

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Saturday 29 Mar 2025

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